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Character Education

Character Education at New Delaval Primary School

Character Education is an important part at New Delaval Primary School. We believe by developing character, pupils will obtain the social, moral and cultural development required to prepare them for the challenges and responsibilities they will encounter in their future lives. 
We follow 7 character values which are fundamental to our school, our pupils and our community. These values are:

R - Respect
E - Empathy
S - Self-awareness
P - Positivity
E - Excellence
C - Communication
T - Teamwork
Our values are referred to, demonstrated and modelled by our staff on a daily basis. In every class, we have these values displayed for both pupils and staff. We celebrate these values every Friday in our 'Star of the Week' assembly. One pupil per class achieves this award due to them demonstrating one of these character values that week. This is a very special occasion for our school when we can celebrate each pupil and reinforce these 7 values.
We use whole school and key stage assemblies to priorities these values and make links with current issues, religious celebrations, themed weeks, British Values and special curriculum themed events. 
Our school is also a Commando Joe's school, which is a PE initiative used to develop character. It enables and supports pupils to build their confidence and self-worth. It helps develop resilience and arms pupils with the life-skills they need to thrive in the challenging world in which we live. We want all children to recognise the unique skills and talent that they possess and this approach in PE will guide and nurture them to become the best version of themselves.
Additionally, each class also receives a taught character education session every Monday morning. Each half-term we have a character value we focus on and we plan and deliver a sequence of sessions which allows pupils to learn more about these values, recognise when they are used, have opportunities to use these and reflect on their character journey through target setting. Each class produces an A4 piece of work which captures a variety of these taught sessions and they are displayed in our whole school Character Education floor book.

Have a look below to see some of our Character Education in action from Reception to Year 6.