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English Progression Map 


Intent – A reader and writer at New Delaval Primary School should:


  •      Take pride in the formation and presentation of their handwriting
  •       Be able to decode and read aloud fluently
  •       Develop a passion for new and challenging vocabulary
  •       Understand key grammatical concepts and how they influence texts
  •       Read for pleasure and for knowledge across a range of genres
  •       Write appropriately across a range of genres
  •       Adopt strategies to spell new words and recognise patterns
  •       Enjoy performing and presenting both famous work and their own work
  •       Understand the key link between reading and writing
  •       Develop a range of reading comprehension skills

To support our delivery of English we follow additional progression maps to ensure sequential, progressive learning throughout our year groups and key stages. Please find below the following supporting documents:
  • Genre of progression
  • EYFS reading map
  • Speaking & Listening progression
  • Reading comprehension progression map

Reading Guides
Please find below our EYFS, KS1 and KS2 parent/carer reading guides to help support your child when reading at home. Reading is an integral part of our curriculum and we understand the value our pupils receive when this is supported and promoted at home.

Class Reading
At New Delaval, we value the importance of reading and ensure that we spend time each day reading a text to the class. Below you will find the texts which will be read to your child each half-term. These are additional reading opportunities outside of our daily reading lessons.

KS2 Book List
Here is a list of some fantastic books to read during your time in KS2. These books are all absolutely magical and we have them all in school, either in the library or in some of the class book areas. 
‘Reading is a passport to countless adventures.’
At New Delaval, we use Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader alongside our teaching of reading to help improve fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, stamina, and motivation within our pupils.
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