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Music Progression Map


At New Delaval Primary School we want all our children to develop their musicianship within a learning environment that recognises and values the unique, inclusive power of music.


From the earliest years in our school, we want children to experience an engaging, inspiring, and progressive curriculum that also recognises individual experiences, expertise and interests and makes clear connections to musical tradition and our local culture.


The Model Music Curriculum for Key Stages 1&2 states that:

‘The sheer joy of music making can feed the soul of a school community, enriching each student while strengthening the shared bonds of support and trust which make a great school.’ (March 2012)


Intent - A Musician at New Delaval Primary School should:


  • Enjoy and develop a deeper appreciation of music.
  • Grow in confidence and self- esteem through composition and performance.
  • Gain a sense of school identity/community through collaboration in music (especially singing.)
  • Have well –planned opportunities to sing, listen, respond, compose, and perform individually or in a group.
  • Learn about great historical composers, different genres of music and the impact they have had on current musical diversity.
  • Learn how music is made, through a progressive understanding of musical dimensions such as pulse/beat, rhythm, pitch, and notation. This will include the use of appropriate musical technology.
  • See and hear high quality live performance either in partnership with the Music Hub S.L.A or through links within our locality.
  • Have an opportunity to learn and play a tuned instrument.

At New Delaval, we use the exciting, digital resource Charanga to deliver our music curriculum.
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