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What is E-Safety?

 E-Safety is a term which means not only the internet but other ways in which young people communicate using all forms of electronic media. It means ensuring that children and young people are protected from harm and supported to achieve the maximum benefit from new and developing technologies without risk to themselves or others.

The aim of promoting e-safety is to protect young people from the adverse consequences of access or use of electronic media, including from bullying, inappropriate sexualised behaviour or exploitation

As children use the internet more and more it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that they know how to stay safe from its potential dangers.

E-Safety plays and important part of our curriculum teaching and is delivered during all of New Delaval Primary ICT lessons, as well as topically through assemblies.

Parents can find out more about E-Safety and use a range of online resources to support children in using the internet safely.  Try the resources below.

To find out more about E-Safety, please refer to our links section below, containing website links to up-to-date information about general E-Safety and using the internet safely.



Northumberland County Council Safeguarding Children

Northumbria Police



Northumberland County Council Safeguarding Children

Northumbria Police




E-Safey and social media. The following links take you to new checklists produced by the Safer Internet Centre containing everything you need to know about Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter.

Childnet International


NSPCC Online Safety



Ask About Games

From 2015 the NSPCC has released their Share Aware campaign, which informs about how to stay safe online.

NSPCC's Net Aware is another fantastic, providing information about a range of different apps and programs that your child may be using.

Concerned about online grooming or sexual behaviour online? Contact CEOP:


If you stumble across criminal sexual or obscene content on the internet, you should report it to the Internet Watch Foundation: