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Wrap Around Childcare Services

Breakfast Club 

Our Breakfast Club is open to pupils in Reception to Year 6. 

The club will operate between 7.30am and 8.30am with the latest drop off time being 8.15am.


Children will be able to choose from a variety of cereals, yoghurts, fresh fruit, toast and crumpets/pastries, with a choice of fruit juice.


The cost for all children (including those entitled to Free School Meals) is £2.50 per day, this can be paid daily or in advance. Please note sessions need to be paid for even if your child does not attend unless it is due to sickness/medical appointment which has been notified to the school office.


Places will be allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis, please note if your child previously attended breakfast club you must complete the form attached below, places will not automatically be carried forward.


If you would like a place for your child please complete and return the form below.

Wrap Around Child Care 
By following the link below you will be able to find out more information about Ofsted registered childcare providers such as day nurseries, childminders, playgroups, before and after school clubs that are available to provide wrap around services for you and your family.