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Our Curriculum

Our early years setting follows the curriculum as outlined in the 2021 statutory framework of the EYFS.

The EYFS framework includes 7 areas of learning and development that are equally important and inter-connected. However, 3 areas known as the prime areas are seen as particularly important for igniting curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building children’s capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

The prime areas are:

  •       Communication and language
  •       Physical development
  •       Personal, social and emotional development

The prime areas are strengthened and applied through 4 specific areas:

  •       Literacy
  •       Mathematics
  •       Understanding the world
  •       Expressive arts and design

Throughout our curriculum we aim to; engage in dialogue with children, watch, listen and respond, model language well, read aloud and tell stories, sing songs, nursery rhymes, encourage children to express their thoughts and use new words, support independence and confidence, encourage children to speculate and test ideas, enable children to explore and solve problems, behave as an excellent role models, support children to recognise and respond to their own needs.

Our carefully planned progressive curriculum is built from the Educational Programs. We use our knowledge of the children, their families and environment to provide engaging learning opportunities to help and support children to be ready for their next stage of learning. Please see our Curriculum Goals below.